Bodi ya Mikopo yatangaza majina 1,091 ya wadaiwa (Awamu ya kwanza)

Bodi ya Mikopo ya Wanafunzi wa Elimu ya Juu (HESLB) imetangaza awamu ya kwanza ya wadaiwa wa mikopo yenye majina 1,091 na kuwataka kuanza kulipa madeni yao mara moja kabla ya kuanza kuchukuliwa hatua za kisheria

Kwa mujibu wa tangazo la HESLB lililochapishwa katika gazeti la ‘The Guardian’ la leo (Jumatano, Julai 27, 2016), iwapo wadaiwa hao hawatalipa watachukuliwa hatua mbalimbali zikiwemo kunyimwa fursa za kupata mikopo kutoka taasisi za kifedha na kuzuiwa kusafiri nje ya nchi.

“HESLB inawataarifu wanadaiwa hawa ambao hawalipi madeni yao kuwa wanavunja mkataba kwa mujibu wa sheria ya HESLB Na. 9 ya mwaka 2004 (kama ilivyofanyiwa marekebisho),” inasomeka sehemu ya tangazo hilo lililotolewa na Kaimu Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa HESLB, Bw. Jerry Sabi.

Kwa mujibu wa tangazo hilo, ambalo pia linapatikana katika tovuti ya Bodi ( na mitandao mbalimbali ya kijamii, kila mdaiwa anashauriwa kupata deni lake halisi kwa kutembelea ofisi za HESLB au kumwandikia Kaimu Mkurugenzi Mtendaji, HESLB, S.L.P. 76068, Dar es Salaam au kwa barua pepe (

HESLB ilianzishwa kwa sheria ya mwaka 2004 na kuanza kazi rasmi mwezi Julai, 2005 ili, pamoja na majukumu mengine kutoa mikopo kwa wanafunzi wahitaji waliodahiliwa katika taasisi za elimu ya juu. Aidha, jukumu jingine la Bodi ni kudai na kukusanya mikopo yote iliyotolewa kwa wahitimu wa taasisi za elimu ya juu kuanzia mwaka 1994 wakati Serikali ilipoanza kukopesha wanafunzi. 

Haya hapa majina 1,091 ya wadaiwa yaliyotangazwa na Bodi ya Mikopo ya Elimu ya Juu bofya hapa


The Higher Education Students’ Loans Board (HESLB), hereby notifies all loan beneficiaries who are not servicing their loans and whose names appear herein that they have breached a contract as per the HESLB Act. No. 9 of 2004 (as amended) Section 19 (1).

These Loan Defaulters are further notified that according to HESLB Act No. 9 0f 2004 the Board, intends to take the following steps: -

(i) Shall be liable to legal action as per Section 19 (a) (1) of the HESLB Act.

(ii) Shall be subjected to additional monthly Penalty of 5% p.a. on the outstanding loans, over and above the 5% that was levied earlier.

(iii) Shall have his/her outstanding loan loaded with the cost of tracing that will be charged after being traced by the Board.

(iv) Shall be blacklisted and his/her information shall be submitted to the Credit Reference Bureaux, following which they shall be barred from access to credit facilities from all Financial Institutions.

(v) Shall be barred from securing Government scholarships or admission for Postgraduate studies in any Higher Learning Institution within and outside the country.

(vi) Their details shall be submitted to the Ministry of Home Affairs, Department of Immigration and all Embassies where they will be denied approval for travelling abroad.

All Loan Beneficiaries whose names have been published in the newspapers and on this website of the Board through are required to repay their due loans immediately to avoid facing the above listed measures. Loans statements and other details of their due loans can be accessed by visiting HESLB Offices or writing to:

Acting Executive Director,
Higher Education Students’ Loans Board,
P.O. Box 76068
Dar es Salaam
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Haya hapa majina 1,091 ya wadaiwa yaliyotangazwa na Bodi ya Mikopo ya Elimu ya Juu bofya hapa

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